Physiotherapy for Slip and Fall Injuries

weakness. Slip and fall injury Aug24th 2022

Slip and fall injuries can happen to anyone. Who hasn’t tripped on a curb or crack in the sidewalk? As everyone who lives in Edmonton, AB knows, icy sidewalks can be a challenge during the winter. It only takes a moment to step on a patch of black ice and fall. Unfortunately, these slips and falls can result in soft tissue injury, broken bones, and also contusions. Physiotherapy can help you to recover from these injuries. The expert physiotherapists at ProActive Physiotherapy in Edmonton, AB can assess your condition and determine the proper course of treatment for your injuries. You don’t have to suffer in silence – physiotherapy can help!

Slip and Fall Injuries

There are many types of slip and fall injuries. Our instinct is to reach out in front of us to break the fall. This may lead to a wrist injury. Wrist sprains are also very common after a fall. Our wrists are made up of many small bones, tendons, cartilage, and muscles. It is important to seek medical attention if you think that you have sprained or broken your wrist. Our expert physiotherapists can help you to recover from a wrist injury. Additionally, we will assess your wrist and will design a treatment plan that will help you to regain strength and mobility.

Hip Fractures

A hip fracture is one of the most serious injuries that may result from a slip and fall accident. The chance of this happening increases as we get older and our bones may become frailer and less dense. A hip fracture may necessitate surgery or possibly a hip replacement. Our expert Edmonton, AB physiotherapists have a great deal of experience helping people to regain their mobility and rebuild their strength after this type of accident.

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Back Injuries

Back injuries may occur if you slip and fall backward. These injuries can have serious consequences if they are not treated. Chronic back pain can be debilitating and affect many aspects of your life. Additionally, physiotherapy for slip and fall accidents is an excellent way to regain your mobility and reduce back pain. Our expert physiotherapists will also develop a treatment plan that will help you to recover.


ProActive Physiotherapy in Edmonton, AB will help you to recover after a slip and fall accident. Our expert physiotherapists will assess your condition and will develop a treatment plan that will help you to recover your strength and mobility. We will also help you to conquer the pain from a slip and fall injury and to feel better. Call today and get relief from the physiotherapy Edmonton trusts!

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